Hall of Famer?
NC-DECA… Start Your Engines!
Hall of Famer?
NC-DECA… Start Your Engines!
Be The ONE for NC-DECA to be recognized for your chapter’s fast-paced Program of Leadership! Steer your chapter across the finish line and Race for the Glass this year!

“DECA changed my life and I mean it. It opened my eyes to my potential in a competitive environment, introduced me to leadership, created an environment to increase interview and networking skills and most importantly it was fun. I have gained lifelong friendships and connections, stories about competition, but most of all I got the girl. I met my wife in DECA and I attribute a lot of that to DECA. After all, it’s highly possible I would have never met her had it not been for ICDC 2006 in Dallas, TX. DECA prepared me for college, where I helped found a collegiate chapter, prepared me for leadership which I have applied in other activities and prepared me for work where I now excel. DECA is truly a wonderful thing and I couldn’t be proud enough. Thank You NC-DECA!”
“In 1995, I joined DECA without knowing exactly what I was getting myself into. Little did I know it was the best investment I could have made! I learned to think on my feet, ace an interview, and manage projects. And when I graduated 3 years later, I took with me confidence, leadership skills, and experiences proving that if I work hard I can reach my goals. I am honored to now serve as a DECA advisor in NC. When I tell my students “DECA can change your life,” I know its true. It changed mine.”
“Chances are, anything great that happened in my life was at a DECA event or because of DECA. Without it, I wouldn’t have discovered my career passion or been more situated for the perfect career immediately after graduation. DECA prepared me not only for college, but more importantly for the steps that followed. DECA presentations gave me the competitive edge and industry knowledge needed for stellar college course presentations, then knockout internship and job interviews, and beyond to working life where it really counts. Plus, you’ll have the time of your life without even realizing just how practiced, poised, and prepared you have become because of DECA. It’s easy to throw around the phrase “life changing,” but with DECA it’s an understatement.”
“Everyday, I use the presentation, leadership, and marketing skills I learned in NC DECA to run my small business! These skills are essential to finding new clients and helping them reach their financial dreams.”
“NC DECA was instrumental in introducing me to marketing and business and developing my passion for those areas. I was able to get a head start in college working toward those goals thanks to my experience in DECA. Plus, I made some of my best friends in high school through DECA, especially competing with them at state and international competition, and even in college bonded with new people who had been a part of DECA over our experiences. I loved my time in NC DECA and, if I could do it all over again, would do it the exact same.”